Mac Musings

Figuring out how to run Muffin on Classic Mac OS from the instructions on its Web site is needlessly intimidating. To save you the trouble, I've written a simplified set of instructions here: To use Muffin, you'll need the following downloads (all free): Mac OS Runtime for Java (otherwise known as 'MRJ' and available on the Orchard's Helper. Muffin provides ready-made starter templates for developing projects for the Web. It comes with three different frontend designs, each catering to a certain way of building Web pages. Apple is the first template and is recommended for developers that like to work with Bootstrap, FontAwesome and Color Me SASS. Full release of 'Derpy and The hunting of the super tasty muffin (of awesomeness)' for Mac OS X 10.6+. Full Release (Win32) May 11 2018 Full Version 16 comments. Easy Steps for Converting PDF to Word on Mac (10.15 Catalina included) PDFelement Pro PDFelement Pro for Mac is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 or later, including the latest macOS 10.13 High Sierra. There are more amazing features for you to explore. Below is a step-by-step guide for converting PDF to Word document on Mac computer.

Daniel Knight - 2005.09.29

I just 'downgraded' from my 20041.25 GHz eMac with 1 GB of RAM to a 2002 1 GHz Power Mac G4 with 768 MB of RAM -and boy is it fast!

I also have a Dell on my desk - and I love it!

Have I gone crazy?

Yes, I've gone crazy for dual processors. Ever since Applereleased the first dual-processor PowerMac G4s back in July 2000, we've been extolling the virtues ofdual processors under Mac OS X.

Yes, we were ahead of our time. Mac OS X wasn't even shippingyet, but we knew it would support multiple processors. And based onour research on dual processor systems, we knew that could makesome things run up to twice as fast.

At the very least, dual processors won't make things any slower.Except for a few specialized programs designed for multipleprocessors, dual processors didn't do squat under OS 9. But attheir best, dual processors can double performance, and underOS X we'd estimate you average 70-80% more power than a singleCPU at the same speed.

That's part of the reason I love this newly acquired Power Mac.It's about the same as having a 1.75 GHz computer.

But there's a lot more to it than that.

The G4 CPUs in this model only have a 256 KB level 2 cache, halfas big as the one the eMac uses. They also have 1 MB of level3 cache running at 250 MHz dedicated to each CPU, something theeMac doesn't have.

There are some architectural difference between the eMac and thePower Mac. Both use a 167 MHz memory bus, but running Xbench onboth shows the Power Mac is 20-25% more efficient. Whether this isbecause of the type memory used, a smarter memory handling scheme,or the size of the level 3 caches, it's noticeable.

Add that to a 70-80% gain from dual CPUs, and we're talking theequivalent of a 2.0-2.5 GHz eMac.

How It Works

A dual processor system is nothing without an operating systemthat supports multiple processors, and that's OS X in spades.The operating system handles distributing the load evenly among theprocessors, and even if there are tasks that can't be shared, itlets the one processor handle more threads while the other one istied up by a more demanding task.

That's called load balancing, and it works. Most OS Xapplications can take advantage of multiple processors. Forinstance, Photoshop Elements 3.0 loads into memory and displaysmuch more quickly. And iTunes rips faster than ever. And I can havemy usual dozen or so programs open and not feel any slowdown atall.

You Can't Slow It Down

I've had this Power Mac for a week, and I've been playing withit using the stock 80 GB TravelStar hard drive and an older 17'Samsung monitor that wasn't happy working beyond 1024 x 768. Ispent some time investigating monitors, seriously flirted with theidea of a 20' display, and finally decided that a 1280 x 1024 17'flat panel display would be good enough - and far moreaffordable.

When that came on Wednesday, I deauthorized the iTunescollection on my eMac, shut it down, pulled the 250 GB drive I'dput in several weeks ago, and transplanted it into the Power Mac.(It took some doing figuring out how to remove the hard drive cage,but I managed to find the instructions online.)

I've done everything I can to try to bog down this computer.Watch a DVD while running a QuickTime trailer with the Classicenvironment running and three browsers - you get the idea. Itdoesn't seem to faze this baby. I haven't had CPU usage pass the80% mark, but I used to peg the 100% mark frequently with meeMac.

My biggest test was opening the master site file for Low End Macin Claris HomePage. Everything I'd ever read said that Classicdoesn't benefit from dual processors. True or not, I'd estimatethis Mac is four times faster at sorting through the files thatmake up LEM. What usually takes 4-5 minutes was done in about aminute.

Dell No

With my Power Mac on the floor, looking at my desk you'd think Ihad a Windows PC. Separate speakers. A non-Apple keyboard. And aDell monitor.

No, I haven't sold out to the dark side. I do have an Acerlaptop - but I needed that to test the site so it worked withWindows XP and IE 6 (one-third of our visitors). I use aLogitech mouse and keyboard, complete with Windows keys, but theyhave good Mac drivers.

And now I have a Dell 1704FPV monitor connected to my Power Mac.I did my research, and this is one of the best rated and best valuechoices out there. Between a Dell special and an online coupon, Ipicked up this 17' 1280 x 1024 display for US$270 plusshipping.

It's a gorgeous display. Crisp. Colorful. And it has some reallyneat extra features you don't find on too many displays - a 4-portUSB 2.0 hub and pivoting. I can turn the display 90° - I justneed to remember to change the Displays system preference first.Otherwise it's very hard to mouse around with everythingsideways.

Muffin Mac Os X


The only drawback to the 4-port USB 2.0 hub is that this Mac hasUSB 1.1. This model comes from the 'bad old days' when Applerefused to acknowledge the existence of USB 2.0, seeing at as acompetitor to FireWire. Interesting that Apple now has someUSB-only, FireWire-free iPods.


The first generation mirrored drive door models are perhaps thenoisiest Macs ever made. They earned the 'wind tunnel' monikershortly after release, and this one lives up to that reputation. Myresearch indicates that most of the noise comes from the two fansinside the power supply, so I'll be looking into replacing them.(Apple had a power supply replacement program for this model, butit expired years ago.)

Once everything is configured to my liking, this screamer of acomputer is going behind a door in my computer desk. That shouldhelp muffle things a bit.


I got the computer at a great price. The monitor, too. Thissetup cost less than a new SuperDrive eMac and runs circles aroundit. (Before anyone asks, I have a buyer lined up.)


Mac Os Mojave

It's all about productivity, and my eMac had become abottleneck. I often have a dozen apps running, including Classic. Ihave file sharing on, since it was the home network file server.And I may have 2 or 3 other people logged in (the boys love usingthe most powerful Mac in the house for World of Warcraft, and theylike 'Dooley' as much as I do - maybe more).

Even with just me, the eMac seemed sluggish much of the time.Uploading site updates, as I mentioned earlier, was a great excuseto make a pot of coffee, toast an English muffin, check the mail,etc. This dual CPU Power Mac has changed that.

I stand by my advice of five years ago. If you're a heavycomputer user and want a Mac that gets out of the way and lets yoube more productive, look at the dual processor models. You won't besorry.