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Published on 5 Apr 2012 · Filed in Tutorial · 865 words (estimated 5 minutes to read)

Using multiple layers of security has long been recognized as a useful strategy in hardening your computers against attack or exploit. In this post, I want to explain how to set up and configure the BSD-level ipfw firewall that is present in Mac OS X. While ipfw is certainly not a security panacea, it can be a solid part of a broader security strategy.

Setting up ipfw on Mac OS X has three basic steps:

  1. Create a shell script that launches ipfw.

  2. Create a configuration file that the shell script from step 1 uses when launching ipfw.

  3. Create a LaunchDaemon in Mac OS X that calls the shell script from step 1 to start and configure ipfw every time your Mac boots.

Let’s take a deeper look at each of these steps.

Create a Startup Shell Script

This part is harder than it sounds. At its most basic level, the script only needs to call /sbin/ipfw and a configuration file, like this:

Scott The Scout Mac Os Catalina

I did quite a bit of digging to see if something more than that was suggested, and finally came up with this startup shell script:

This startup shell script can generally be put anywhere; I chose to put it in /usr/local/bin (which may not exist by default on your system).

With the startup shell script in place, you’re now ready to proceed to the next step, which is perhaps the most involved and detailed step in the process.

Create the Configuration File

The configuration file contains all of the firewall rule definitions for ipfw and is therefore one of the most complicated steps. This complexity is not because the configuration file itself is difficult, but rather because the rules that should be included will vary greatly from user to user and network to network. I strongly encourage you to do your own research to understand what sort of firewall rules are most appropriate in your environment and for your setup.

Scott The Scout Mac Os Update

You can (theoretically) place the configuration file anywhere; I chose to place the file in /etc as ipfw.conf (very original, I know). If you do use something other than /etc/ipfw.conf, then adjust the startup shell script accordingly.

Rather than provide any sort of suggested firewall ruleset here, let me suggest some other sites that provide excellent information on suggested rulesets for ipfw:

From those sites—and there are many others besides just those—you should be able to put together an ipfw ruleset that is right for your network and your environment. Once you have the configuration file created and in place, then you’re ready for the final step: ensuring that ipfw launches automatically when you boot your Mac.

Create a LaunchDaemon

The final step is ensuring that ipfw launches automatically every time your Mac boots. This is accomplished by creating a text file—known as a property list file, or a plist file—with very specific contents into the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder.

Here’s a screenshot of my plist file, named (you can use a different name, like your own domain name, in the filename):

Don’t just copy and paste this file “as is” into your system! You’ll need to customize it to fit your system. Specifically, under the ProgramArguments key, the path to and name of the startup shell script should be adjusted to match the shell script you created earlier. In my case, the script is named and is found in /usr/local/bin. This startup shell script should, in turn, refer to the ipfw configuration file you created.

I believe—but I could be mistaken—that you’ll need to set ownership of the LaunchDaemon plist file to root:wheel. You can do this using the chown command in Terminal.

Once the plist file is in place, reboot your Mac. Once your Mac boots up and you’ve logged in, fire up the Terminal and run this command (you will need to use sudo if your account has administrative privileges; if your account doesn’t have administrative privileges, you should log in as an account that does in order to test things):

This command should return the list of firewall rules you embedded in the configuration file. If it doesn’t, then go back and double-check your setup. Be sure that the plist file has the correct reference to the startup shell script, and that the startup shell script has the correct reference to the configuration file. You should also check to ensure that you made the startup shell script executable (using the chmod command).

If the command does return your firewall ruleset, then you’re all set.

Note that using ipfw does not in any way prevent you from using other firewalls—such as the built-in application-level firewall in Mac OS X—to further secure your system.

Questions? Comments? Clarifications? Please feel free to speak up in the comments below to add your thoughts.

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1st CEO of Apple Inc.
In office
February 1977 – March 1981
Succeeded byMike Markkula
Personal details
BornFebruary 11, 1945 (age 76)

Michael 'Scotty' Scott (born February 11, 1945)[1] is an American entrepreneur, who was the first CEO of Apple Computer from February 1977 to March 1981. Formerly director of manufacturing at National Semiconductor, Scott was persuaded by Mike Markkula to take the CEO position at Apple, as the co-founders — Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak — were both seen as insufficiently experienced for the job at the time.



Scott The Scout Mac Os Catalina

Attempting to set an example for all businesses, in 1979, Scott declared there would be no typewriters at Apple. In 1979 and 1980, Jef Raskin's Macintosh project was a four-person research effort. It wasn't considered important within Apple and was almost canceled a couple of times. When Apple had another major reorganization in the fall of 1980, it was terminated again, but Raskin pleaded with Scott and Markkula for more time and was granted three more months to show that he was really onto something.[2]

On February 25, 1981, the day known as 'Black Wednesday' at the company, Scott personally fired forty Apple employees, including half of the Apple II team, in a belief that they were redundant. Later in the afternoon he assembled the remaining employees with a keg of beer and explained the firings by stating, 'I used to say that when being CEO at Apple wasn't fun anymore, I'd quit. But now I've changed my mind — when it isn't fun any more, I'll fire people until it's fun again.'[3]

Following this abrupt event, he was moved to vice chairman, a title with little power, and Mike Markkula, the man who had hired Scott, replaced him.

Scott left Apple officially on July 10, 1981, stating in his resignation letter:

So I am having a new learning experience, something I've never done before. I quit, not resign to join a new company or retire for personal reasons ... This is not done for those who fear my opinions and style, but for the loyal ones who may be given false hope.
Yours. Michael, Private Citizen[4]

Later career[edit]

From 1983 to 1988, Scott led Starstruck, a private firm that attempted to create a sea-based satellite-launching rocket. He also began supporting non-profit organizations, such as the Seattle Opera and the California Institute of Technology in their efforts to apply personal computers to their needs.[5]

Gemstone expert[edit]

Scott has since become an expert on colored gemstones, having written a book on them and assembled a collection that has been exhibited at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California. He also sponsored Rruff,[6] a project creating a complete set of high-quality spectral data from well-characterized minerals. The mineral rruffite (IMA 2009-077) was named for the Rruff project and the mineral scottyite (IMA 2012-027) for Michael Scott.[7][8]

Scott The Scout Mac Os Update


  • Linzmayer, Owen W (January 2004). Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World's Most Colorful Company (2nd ed.). San Francisco: No Starch Press. p. 344. ISBN1-59327-010-0. OCLC52821221.


Scott The Scout Mac Os 8

  1. ^Isaacson, Walter (2011). Steve Jobs. [Mike] Markkula [born February 11, 1942] and Scott...shared the same birthday, which they celebrated together each year. At their birthday lunch in February 1977, when Scott was turning thirty-two...
  2. ^Hertzfeld, Andy (October 1980). 'Macintosh stories: Good Earth'.
  3. ^Hertzfeld, Andy (February 1981). 'Macintosh stories: Black Wednesday'.
  4. ^Seibold, Chris (July 10, 2011). 'July 10, 1981: Michael Scott Leaves Apple'.
  5. ^Linzmayer, pg 17
  6. ^Rruff 'Sponsor and contributors (Michael Scott)' Check url= value (help).
  7. ^'Rruffite'. Retrieved March 10, 2012.
  8. ^'Scottyite'. Retrieved August 31, 2012.
Preceded by
Company founded
Apple CEO
Succeeded by
Mike Markkula
Retrieved from ''